#77 End of days songs!
June and Patrick tell us what their end of day songs are, play some movie madness and look for some douche bags.
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June and Patrick tell us what their end of day songs are, play some movie madness and look for some douche bags.
The kids play movie madness, tell their 2010 movie and tv favs. and roll out some new year douche bags.
The kids Tell what they want for Christmas and what they got, play some movie madness and rool out a new slew of douche bags.
The kids pick their songs to end it all to, play some movie madness and deal with this weeks douche bags.
June and Patrick choose what songs they hear when they fall in love and other songs they hear when they wanna "make hump", play movie madness and hunt down the douche bag of the week.
The kids play Last words, movie madness and find this weeks douche bags of the week.
The kids respond to listener mail, play some movie madness and shair some new douche bags with you.
The kids make up their own Thanksgiving movies, play movie madness and search for sthe douche bag of the week.
The kids fill out an online personal add to help June find love, Play movie madness and look for a douche bag of the week that ends up in June and jenny in a 15 min. fight that was taken out of the show because who wants to hear two drunk yahoo's go at it. You're welcome!
The kids do an all DB show, play movie madness and other fun stuff.
The kids cast actors to play eachother in movies, play movie madness and looks high and low for the douche bag of the week.
The kids share their favorite urban myths, play some movie madness and hunt down this weeks douche bag of the week. Happy Halloween!
The kids chat about "love robots", play movie madness and search for the douche bad of the week.
The kids tell about our first make outs, Look for DB's of the week and play movie madness.
June and Patrick tell what their reality shows would be, play movie madness and find two more DB's of the week.
June and Jenny Chat about things that they miss from their youth, Play movie madness and hunt down the douche bag of the week.
June and Jenny tell what naked fat guy's real name is, choose some orgy songs, play movie madness and search for the DB of the week.
The kids tell what their Montage songs would be, play movie madness and find this weeks DB.
The kids talk about going to see Machete with our friends (new and old) Play movie madness, Jenny chats about a crappy job interview and we look far and wide for DB's of the week.
Sweet Karen sits in with the kids as they discuses what they are going to do when the Zombie Apocalypse hits, play movie madness and find some douche bags of the week.