# 37 Hookin' up on the internets!
Patrick and June findout that some lemon bars are not for kids, play movie madness and look on the internets for love.
Give us some stars and a review on the itunes store. You can follow a link on this web page titled "itune store" located on the right section of this page.
Patrick and June findout that some lemon bars are not for kids, play movie madness and look on the internets for love.
The kids have a new friend that can shotgun a beer in under 2.7 seconds, play movie madness, douche bag of the week and tell what they would do with their superpowers.
The kids tie up loose ends from last weeks broken show and find our new friend Demetri, look for Portland's very own post apocalyptic warrior, find a few douchebags of the week and close up movie madness.
The kids tally up their Oscar points, talk about getting hurt, play movie madness then the poo hits the pooper and we break the show!
We make our bets on who's going to take home the ocsars, play movie madness and read our Douche bags of the week news stories.
Our outro music mix episode! Support you favorite musicians. Buy their music and check em' out live. All song on the show are available on our website under "outro music we used on the show" located on the right hand side of the web page under "stuff".
Movie madness, We ask the Dragon slayer some questions and read some mail
What was your first rock show?
HCS1/30/2010 Just the two of us
Sorry all, there were technical difficulties. The show is playable here (with the link above) and we hope that it will be in the itunes store and podbean A.S.A.P
The fetishs contiue with our guest Sweet Karen ... WTF is a peek-a-poo?
June, Jenny and Patrick Look to each other for fetish ideas and the answer is xanadu on roller skates.
June, Jenny and Patrick play their fight to the death songs and go toe to toe with the "jack rabbit"
June, Jenny and Patrick all survive an arctic hell in PDX and find themselves obsolete.
June , Jenny and Patrick tell their favs of 09 and look into the future.
June, Jenny and Patrick chat about what their favorite Christmas movies are then call Colorado Kenny and Roommate Bob to see what's up.
June, Jenny and patrick put their money where their mouths are by telling what songs they want played at their funerals.
June learns to make autotuner sounds, horoscope retrospective goes the way of the dinosaur and we give Colorado Kenny a call.
Robert Cannon joins June and Patrick in an all MAN testosterone fueled sausage fest!