Episode 220 "Fake David Lynch"
-Fake David Lynch
-What's good on netflix?
-Intro: K-Stross the Yo-yo guy
-Outro tune:42 Ford Prefect https://youtu.be/Ghd2nycpy5I facebook:
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-Fake David Lynch
-What's good on netflix?
-Intro: K-Stross the Yo-yo guy
-Outro tune:42 Ford Prefect https://youtu.be/Ghd2nycpy5I facebook:
-Episode 28!
-The sound level on this episode is a bit low so you might have to turn it up. (Sorry)
-We're playing "movie madness" on the show.
-We lost our recording program and the episode that was going to be posted where this one is now. I found it apropos, because on this episode we has similar problems and I felt it would be appropriate. We hope that your New Years eve is a safe and remunerable one .XOXO!
-Hub is guest hosting with June.
-Getting to know Hub.
-Animals hate Hub's brother.
-Douche bags of the Week!
-Teen Titians Wasteland info:
-Outro: The Well "Trespass" https://youtu.be/2q2bkhKq0_A?list=RD2q2bkhKq0_A
-HCS EMAIL: Link HERE! or hideouscreatureshow@gmail.com
-Our Friends at A general guide to Degeneracy podcast stop by.
- Getting to know you.
- Bum war.
-Joe's dating life.
-WTF smut store.
-Rip Division
-The Foot
-Mommie Dearest
-Wind chimes
-Douche Bags
Outro tune: Lil Bob and the lolly pops
- Good day gone bad
- Death pools
- Pron movies
- Douchebags
- Outro: The Breeders (POD)
- Car?
-Thing stuck in things.
-You don't look cool.
-We don't look cool!
-Death pool 2014.
-Douche bags.
- Jimi Hendrix "Voodoo chile"
- Aretha Franklin "Baby I love you."
- Van Halen "mean Streets"
- Dead Kennedys "California uber alles"
- Minutemen "Paranoid Chant"
- Firehose "Brave Captain"
- The Cure "Let's go to bed"
- Depeche Mode "Never Let Me Down Again."
- Violent Femmes "Blister in the sun"
- Bad Brains "Re Ignition"
- Bad Brains "Banned in DC"
- Sex Pistols "Holiday in the sun"
- RHCP "Fire"
- Dinosaur Jr. "Freak scene"