#150.5 "Misheard lyrics"
Real life got a bit strange last week and unfortunately we did not get a chance to record ep. 151. We will however be replaying episode 98 from 6/2/2011. see ya next week with a brand new podcast.
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Real life got a bit strange last week and unfortunately we did not get a chance to record ep. 151. We will however be replaying episode 98 from 6/2/2011. see ya next week with a brand new podcast.
- Dollar store
- Pregger fun facts
- Jam-jammers
- Movie madness
- Douch bag
- the heat is on
-Sweat pants and suspenders?
- We miss you Jenny
- SF Dave ...
- Douche bags!
- 3 years of HCS
- The parasite will be here soon!
- Douche bags
- Susan Boyl
- Movie madness
-Patrick is not here
-Henry Hill
-More Walker
-Homeless woman's boob
-Douche bag
-Richard Dawson
-Walker Texas Ranger game
-What happend to naked fat guy?
-Movie madness
-Douche bags
Who's Kangus?
June hates strip clubs
Movie Madness
Douche bags
Now the the weather is getting nicer please keep an eye out for bikes of all kinds
June, June and Patrick talk about:
Robin Gibb
Jenny's bus ride
June's recycling bin is stolen.
Movie madness
Douche bags of the week.
June, Jenny and Patrick Talk about: June's Birthday
- Onion Headlines
-Mt. Saint Helens
-Movie Madness
-Douchebags of the week
June, Jenny and Patrick talk about: Dollar store gifts / Bums find shopping cart / sex stories / Douche bags / Movie madness
June, Jenny and Parick talk about: Pee-pee and words with friends / The Beastie Boys / Last meals / Play some movie madness and search the internets for some douche bags of the week.
June and Patrick talk about: Portlanders are going spring crazy / Free police / Movie madness / Douche bag of the week.
June, Jenny and Patrick talk about 10 things that Portland are into / People that walk in front of cars / Cannon ball run lyrics / Douche bage and some movie madness.
The kids play a new movie game, talk about if June is a dick, Patrick's love for big butts, search the internets for some douche bags and play movie madness.
June, Jenny and Patrick Invest in the lotto / Tell us what kind of President they would be / Tell sweet baby Thomas's gender / Share douche bags and play some movie madness.
June has a crazy week / Jenny comes with gifts / Is the parasite a boy or girl? / ass man / Douche bags / Movie madness