Episode 167 "Choose your movie future."
Happy Birthday Jenny and Patrick
You and your sci-fi future
fajita the moment
Downton Abbey season 3
Douche bags
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Happy Birthday Jenny and Patrick
You and your sci-fi future
fajita the moment
Downton Abbey season 3
Douche bags
Song list...
"Taking A Ride (On Heavy Metal)" by Don Felder
"T.V. eye" by The Stooges
"The Luckiest Guy on the Lower East Side" By The Magnetic fields
"Get off the phone" By Johnny Thunders
"Ol' 55" By Tom Waits
"Glad girls" By Guided by Voices
"Ace of Spades" by MotorHead
"Hit the City" by Mark Lanegan and PJ Harvy
"Cannon ball run" by Who cares
"Baker Street" by Gerry Rafferty
"Baby Bitch" by Ween
"Heavy Metal" by Sammy Hagar
-Pork sword.. literally
-Favorites of 2012
-Predictions for 2013
-Death poll
-Douche bags of the year
-New Years resolutions
-Miss use of the word literally.
-More things you can't look cool doing.
-Someone called June a liar. Bring on the stungun
-Douche bags.
- Homeless camp
- You can't loo cool doing that.
- Johnson add still funny
-Douche bags
Jenny's back
Baby vs. the Vet
Halloween fun facts
Peter Chris?
-Getting caught smoking pot
-Mouth breathers
-Bad brains documentary
-Douche bags
NE portland Human poo
S.B.K.T Interviue
Patircks poo story
Patrick chats with the SBKT
Don't hit on the woman at the dollar store.
Douche bags
-Barry White
-Netflix knows you
-Jacket and no shirt
-WWE songs
-Arrested development listener outing?
-Douche bags
-More Barry White
Smart crows
Callin' Jenny
Douche bags
HCS on itunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hideous-creature-show/id412725581
-Voyeur chicken
-Cereal eating commuter.
-Netflix confidential
-the final countdown
Douche bags
June and Patrick talk about...
Death poll
June has a doppelganger
Poetry class and patchouli oil.
June and Patrick...
-We have been busy bees
- June met the sweet baby Kahler Thomas (Patrick has not)
- Things to do before the Mayan calander ends.
- Douch bags
June, Jenny and Patrick are a bit busy with real life at the moment but hope you all enjoy an earlyer episode of HCS as recoreded as young podcasters from 2010.
- Safe home Squeekers
- June and SF Dave make up.
- Bike talk
- Movie Madness
- Douche bags
- hideouscreatureshow@gmail.com